
“We believe that there is no better way to make a career decision than through experience. Personal connections and hands-on interactions are powerful ways to see if manufacturing is a fit,” explains Andrea Waller-Plath, MITGI Vice President and CIO.
“Through active engagement in the community, we can help students find careers that utilize their talents, promote the viability of our community, and raise the visibility of manufacturing.”

Through education, partnerships, and workplace opportunities, MITGI promotes community engagement and supports the growth of manufacturing in Minnesota. “We believe that one of our most important tasks is to provide an early introduction to manufacturing that inspires students to consider how their talents and interests can be applied. By networking with students and parents, we can show what modern manufacturing looks like, describe the kinds of careers that exist, and help students to formulate plans for a productive future that benefits the whole community,” explains Eric Lipke, MITGI President.

Creating partnerships with area schools and businesses allows MITGI to promote the viability of careers in manufacturing in a variety of ways:

  • Tours help students to see different types of facilities, work environments and explore career opportunities
  • MITGI-sponsored scholarships help students defray the costs of education, and in turn, connects the business and the student
  • Paid job shadowing and internships allow students and potential employees to receive practical work experience while exploring the types of jobs possible in manufacturing
  • Executive level participation in advisory boards ensures that opportunities in education and business exist for students when they are ready to work
  • Participation in TigerPath workforce development program, a join initiative between Hutchinson High school, Hutchinson EDA, and area businesses

“We believe that there is no better way to make a career decision than through experience. Personal connections and hands-on interactions are powerful ways to see if manufacturing is a fit,” explains Andrea Waller-Plath, MITGI Vice President and CIO. “Through active engagement in the community, we can help students find careers that utilize their talents, promote the viability of our community, and raise the visibility of manufacturing.”


Getting more students to enroll in manufacturing programs is the first step in creating a larger pool of potential employee candidates. Through on-site tours, classroom visits, presentations at manufacturing expos,  participation in advisory groups, and the TigerPath program, MITGI is helping to expose Elementary through High School aged students and their parents to the types of jobs that are available in the manufacturing industry.

At the post-secondary level, MITGI’s focus is on developing and curating relationships with local community and technical colleges. Through donations of tools and equipment, scholarships, paid internships, and participation in advisory boards, MITGI helps to provide support and input to influence the effectiveness of area programs. Partnerships like these help to keep schools informed about the current employment needs in manufacturing, ensuring that their programs are giving students the skills that are desired by area manufacturers.



In Hutchinson, where MITGI is located, manufacturing is a large and thriving industry. We’re thrilled to be a partner in the TigerPath Academy at Hutchinson High School. The TigerPath program was developed to help give students the experiences and education needed to help guide them toward a rewarding career. The STREAM Academy (Science, Technology, Renewables, Engineering, Art, Agriculture, Mathematics, and Manufacturing) helps to connect students with interest in these areas with related companies. For several years, MITGI has hired interns from this program, many of whom have chosen MITGI or other manufacturers after completion of high school.

Learn more about the TigerPath Academy.

Tiger Path Academy was developed to help guide students to a rewarding career.

Midwest Industrial Tool Grinding, Inc. (MITGI) is committed to community and education, striving to be a reliable partner to both.

For more information about becoming a school partner or to schedule an onsite tour, Contact Us.