Many consider their first decision in selecting cutting tools is whether they need a custom or standard tool. While this distinction will be decided at some point in every project, we suggest it should not be the first. Sometimes, going into a project with preconceived notions about whether to use a standard or custom tool means you may miss opportunities to make the best decision for the job at hand. Consider lead time, performance goals, and overall project demands – and let those determine which tool is right for the job.

With some basic info about your project, goals, and timelines, MITGI can help recommend the tools that best fit the project. For example, is your work a:

  • Low-volume, short-running job: A STANDARD tool may be a good option. They are available in 3 days or less, can be purchased in any quantity for the same price, and the tools may be able to be used in other projects.
  • Continuous improvement (CI) project: A HIGH-PERFORMANCE STANDARD or a HIGHER-TEMP COATING could help to achieve the CI goals. CUSTOM tools may offer additional advantages to extend tool life, combine operations, or achieve better surface finish.
  • High-volume, long-running job: HIGH-PERFORMANCE STANDARDS and/or a HIGHER-PERFORMANCE COATING may provide additional benefits while retaining the flexible advantages of standard tools. CUSTOM tools with material-specific designs and geometry enhancements may help extend tool life, reduce tool changes, improve cycle times, and reduce machine downtime. When long-running jobs have stable estimated annual usage (EAU) and 100+ tools/per year, pricing may not be similar to standard high-performance options. These factors will all help improve the profitability of long-running jobs.
  • Prototype production: In the early stages of development, time may be more important than long-term optimization. When there’s very little time between getting the job and the delivery date, STANDARD tools may help to get the work out quickly.

Ready to discuss the options best suited for your project? Let us know. We're happy to help you select the right tool for the job.

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