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Steady the supply chain

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As a consumer, it’s nearly impossible to go a day without hearing about issues in the supply chain. As a manufacturer, these issues are part of nearly every conversation as we try to develop action plans to keep manufacturing moving even when just-in-time systems fall behind.

What do you need?

If you’re like most companies we work with, your most important tasks are to minimize disruption and reduce vulnerabilities. In order to solve these kind of supply chain problems you’ll need:

  • Confidence that the products your company uses will be available on time
  • Flexibility with suppliers as your own production schedules fluctuate
  • Access to readily available inventory without exorbitant costs
  • Cost savings to help offset increases in other areas
  • Domestic suppliers to help avoid long lead times or potential disruptions

MITGI can help.

Take cutting tools off of your list of concerns as you work to solve all of the supply chain issues that come across your desk. Not everything is predictable, but having the cutting tools you need can be. Two simple solutions to get you started:

  1. Blanket orders – Cutting tools can be placed on a blanket order and inventoried at MITGI until you need them. Tools are invoiced as shipped which helps with cash flow. The full order is built and on the shelf so that they are ready for same-day shipments; this helps to create security that tools are available on-demand and allows for fluctuations in production schedules. Blankets lock in the price for the full order, creating pricing stability and helping to offset increasing costs in other areas of your production.
  2. Short lead times – Standard tools are available in 3 days or less, and most custom tools can be made and shipped within 2 weeks. Turn to us when your production schedules change quickly or when a regular supplier becomes unable to meet the timeline of the project.

Ready to take one supply chain item off of your list? Contact us today to get started with a quote, conversation, or strategic plan.

Click for more information about getting custom tools fast

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